Knightmare Lexicon - A Knightmare Encyclopædia

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1. Parallel universe
One of Knightmare Chat's good old-fashioned flights of fancy. It all began on the 26th of February 2005, when Darren dropped Billy Hicks into a white hole. After Billy's rescue, he revealed that he'd 'just been to a parallel universe!' It was, according to Billy, an inverted and distorted version of this reality, where Fun House was discussed in preference to Knightmare, a shed took the place of the chatroom kitchen, and the familiar usernames of #knightmare users were spelt backwards. As curiosity grew, Mashibinbin apparently transported the entire population of the chatroom to the parallel universe by pressing a 'gib der nottub'. Many lines of backwards talking ensued, before Mashibinbin transported everyone home. The whole fantasy had lasted about 20 minutes, but was swiftly commemorated by Lewis, one of the participants, in the Lexicon entry below (possibly because Billy had mentioned the Lexicon immediately afterwards). An IKM chat log of the entire proceedings is also available.

Provided By: David, 2008-02-06 18:12:23
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2. Parallel universe
A univers created by Billy1987-1994 on 26/2/05. Everyone is backwards.

Provided By: Lewis, 2005-02-26 21:31:04
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